What is a brand?

A brand is a way we in marketing bestow human-like qualities and characteristics on a product, service or organization. This includes:

  • Name (Brand identity)
  • What it looks like (Graphic identity)
  • Appearance (Brand dress)
  • How it behaves (Brand personality)
  • What it stands for (Brand positioning)
  • How it’s different and better (Brand differentiation)
  • What its purpose is (The “Why” of the brand)

And more.

When branding works, it can create a strong, memorable linkage to your customer, resulting in more sales and eventually loyalty and even advocacy for your brand.

Your brand is your baby; and even if you’ve named it, you may not know how to go from there. That’s where we come in. Because it can be very difficult to be objective when it comes to branding. And in a world filled with competing brands, you need all the solid, objective counsel and creative thinking you can get